We allied with BJP for welfare of state"."TDP is synonymous with development," he asserted.Stating that it was done in accordance with peoples aspirations, Naidu said, "After bifurcation, people were in an insecure position. "You may recall that during the previous Lok Sabha and in the Rajya Sabha, when your party did not have adequate representation, it was the BJP that set the agenda and they ensured that justice is done to the hardworking Telugu people in both the state," said the BJP chief.Also read: Heres full text of Amit Shah’s letter to Chandrababu Naidu after TDP exit from NDAChandrababu Naidus TDP is also trying to bring a no-confidence motion against the government in the Parliament.
Explaining the issues faced by the state, Naidu said although Andhra Pradesh is the highest contributor to CGST, it was still lagging behind all the southern states in per capita income.Also Read: TDP quitting NDA unfortunate, unilateral: Amit Shah to AP CM"This
water jet loom decision is both unfortunate as well as unilateral. But in reality you too were equally responsible for passing bifurcation bill within 20 minutes behind closed doors," he said.Shah, in the letter reminded the TDP chief that it was the BJP that set the partys agenda and ensured that justice is done to the hardworking Telugu people in both the states.
It is a decision; I am afraid, will be construed as being guided wholly and solely by political considerations instead of developmental concerns," the letter read. Had Andhra Pradesh been given the same hand holding, many industries would have come to the state". You claim youre sensitive to our problems. Accusing the Centre of ignoring Andhra Pradesh in the Union Budget, Naidu said, "Even now Centre is providing special benefits to North Eastern states. "Unscientific division of state pushed us 10 years back."TDP, once the BJPs biggest ally in south, pulled out of the Centre on March 16.Amaravati: Hours after Amit Shah wrote to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP chief claimed that BJP chiefs letter was "full of false information which reveals BJPs attitude".
Holding the Government equally responsible for the backwardness of the state, Naidu said "the bifurcation bill was passed within 20 minutes behind closed doors". A week after Chandrababu Naidus Telugu Desam Party exited the NDA alliance at the Centre over the demands for special category status for Andhra Pradesh, BJP national president Amit Shah on Friday wrote to Andhra Chief Minister and TDP supremo, saying "TDPs decision to quit the NDA family was unfortunate and unilateral".Elaborating on what the letter said, Naidu said Amit Shah wrote that the TDP had quit NDA for political reasons.
Amit Shah further wrote, "Andhra Pradesh figures very prominently in our agenda of National Development and it is widely known that the Union Government led by Honble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has left no stone unturned in ensuring the growth and prosperity of Andhra Pradesh.. Centre is responsible for that